Remodel Crossword Clue Dan Word

  • Crossword Puzzle Maker
    These Crosswords were created here!

Ads Blocked: That's OK! You are viewing a 'AD-Gratis' version of our site that has limited functionality Yous volition go a MUCH IMPROVED application by merely allowing our advertisements to show! If you are completely confronting ads, we practise have a fee supported site that contains no ads, and besides offers a few extras over our ad supported site! BEFORE puchasing anything or leaving the site, may we advise turning off your advert blocker and make 1 worksheet just see what yous're missing past trying the ad supported version - we call back yous'll find it is well worth information technology! If not, we empathise and thank yous for giving us a attempt!

Premium Subscribers can go up to 50 lines, over fifty fonts, power to add together multiple images, create unlimited PDF'due south and Images of your worksheet and more.

Advert Blocking: Advertising provides the crucial acquirement necessary to provide free content and applications on this website. We need this acquirement to continue offering our costless services. We currently take 3 options for our users:

  1. Ad blocking users: Gratuitous, 10 lines with NO Cardinal, no customization options, no saving options
  2. Not-advertizement blocking users: Free, 30 lines with many customization options, and bones saving features.
  3. Premium Subscription: fifty lines, Ad free + premium customization and saving features

NOTE: If you cull to plow off your ad blocker for this site, you lot must reload this page.

Saving Options:

  1. Ad Block: None
  2. Ad supported: ii Word List Save Slots
  3. Premium Subscriber: ten Discussion List Save Slots

Here are solutions to 95% of the problems people accept! Click question to meet answer

  1. Where is the answer sail?
    • All of our worksheets take respond sheets. After creating the worksheet, there is a blue carte next to the puzzle/worksheet on the left side of the window. At the Height of this carte click on "Reply KEY" to become the answers.
      Click here for the Answers
    • Don't run across this blue card on the left AFTER creating your worksheet? This happens for 2 reasons. Click here to read why.
  2. How come I can only add x lines? (2 reasons)
    1. Browser is low on retentivity and the javascript engine has close down in the browser (usually caused by too many browser tabs open or a badly coded extension that is installed and leaking retention). REMEDY: Rebooting the figurer will resore memory to the browser. Alternatively, if you know your way around Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL), you can shut down ALL instances of the browser using Job Manager, then restart the browser and endeavour again.
    2. If you but take x lines and you run across grey boxes asking you to turn off your ad blocker, you demand to turn off your advertisement blocker to go more than lines. All the same having the problem after stopping your ad blocker from blocking ads? Exist sure to REFRESH the page. If after whitelisting and refreshing the folio you still can only add 10 lines, you lot need to restart your calculator. AdBlockers crusade numerous issues on our site so brand sure ads are showing (this sometimes requires calculator reboot!) and so effort over again. Nosotros take iii options for our users: a. Advertisement Free (by and large 10 lines - depends on which puzzle maker), b. Ad Supported (generally 30 lines), and c. Premium Paid Subsription (by and large fifty lines)
  3. Puzzle is TINY. It but covers one/6th of the page.
    • This is a problems that happens on RARE occassions with certain computers. We take traced it to happening on computers that have either high resolution, or the with of the resolution of the window is more than then 2x the tiptop of your browser window. So if you get a tiny puzzle, endeavour resizing your browser window to exist more square. Be sure to permit us know if this works - we can't replicate this result, we just know that on the rare occasion it happens, information technology is because the browser window is wide and brusque at a ratio: width is more than 2x the summit. Nosotros are unsure if making your window more 'square' volition ready or non - let us know!
  4. How do I suit the size/color/font etc? HINT: It's in the BLUE Carte du jour!
    • ALL options can be adjusted using the BLUE Card to the left of the puzzle that is created. If you practise not come across a blue carte du jour, click here to see why.
  5. Crossword Problem: Only the title and instructions evidence upward. No puzzle shows upward.
    1. This is caused because javascript does not accept enough memory to generate the crossword puzzle. Usually caused past having too many tabs open up or a poorly coded app is installed. REMEDY: Reboot your computer and effort again. Alternatively, if you know how to utilize Job Managing director (CTRL+ALT+DEL), you lot can shut down every unmarried instance of your browser and open a brand new browser and try once more (closing all browser tabs by itself volition not work).
  6. Crossword Problem: Some Word/Clue combos are missing from my worksheet! (2 reasons)
    1. Duplicates. If you take 'words' that are duplicates, the duplicate may (or may non) show up. The more duplicates, the more likely you lot will exist missing some/about. If you only have one duplicated word and it is missing from your puzzle, try regenerating the puzzle to see if it will go included. If yous have 2 duplicates, you can attempt regenerating, but less likely all duplicates volition make it in the more duplicates you have.
    2. This really isn't a reason, only some people will enter 20 clues and see that the puzzle only goes to the number 18. Sometimes words volition share a number (i.e. "i beyond" and "1 down" would share a number reducing the overall count, so make sure the reason it is gone isn't because of that.
  7. Got a different problem not listed above? click here
    1. Delight email us: [at] gmail [dot] com
    2. Tell united states which puzzle maker you are using
    3. Requite as much detail nigh the problem as possible
    4. Which browser (chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox?), and which Operating System (Windows, Mac, Chromebook)?
    5. Attach a PDF if possible!!

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Word Listing Saving OptionsSaving Options Save your entered words for our other puzzle makers

You lot tin save your WORD Listing for later use, or transfer it to other puzzles!
MUST READ Saving Instructions/FAQs

  • Premium Subscribers
    • You go ten save slots per puzzle-type, all words and clues will exist saved
    • Your word lists are available anywhere and on any device you log in on.
  • Non a premium subscriber? (Premium Users can disregard the next 4 sub-points)
    • 2 Saving slots, upwards to 20 words/clues saved each slot (subject to modify)
    • Cookies and Javascript must be enabled to utilize this choice.
    • You MUST be using the same computer and browser to access previously saved lists.
    • If you lot ever delete your browser cookies, all of your saves will be lost.
  • This pick saves your Give-and-take LIST (not the puzzle - just the words you entered)! Be brash: our generators make a new puzzle each time you lot generate them. Therefore, loading a saved listing will not generate a puzzle identical to ane made at a previous time, it will only keep yous from having to re-enter lists.
  • Click save puzzle to save word list to the indicated slot.
  • Click load puzzle to load a previously saved listing.
  • Word searches and Scrambles accept ane list. Match-ups and Crosswords have 2 lists. Click load puzzle to load the 2nd list on a unmarried list puzzle.
  • When saving, but the title and word list(s) are saved, no other options will be preserved.
  • Once saved, lists can be loaded into other puzzles! Word Search, Give-and-take Scrambles, Crosswords and Friction match-ups
  • Notation: some lists may not transfer well to other puzzles.
  • Tell united states if you similar this option or have problems in the feedback class beneath.
  • Be sure to tell your friends nearly us!

Shut FAQ's [ten]

Save Slot Title Saved As

Save Slot 1: Empty Empty

Save Slot 2: Empty Empty

*NEW*: Premium Subscribers get 10 Slots that tin can be saved and retrieved anywhere!

Font Options:

  1. Advertizement Block: Arial Only
  2. Ad Supported: Choose from 8 fonts!
  3. Premium Subscription: Over 100 fonts!

Choose up to 3 fonts + Arial (default)

Font Selection DISABLED

Show the Word Bank? - This is (and always has been) an option in the blueish carte du jour after your puzzle is created.

Sentinel our Videos! - Acquire many tips with a clickable contents on YouTube (Opens in new window).
Crossword Puzzle Maker How-To and FAQ's
Crossword Puzzle Maker How To
New Paradigm and Inkling Functions
Crossword Image and Clue Functions

Delight SUBSCRIBE to our Subscribe to our Youtube Channel

Delight LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel (link opens in new tab)! It will help us get monetized for our videos and this website!

Use the words: (Note: This text is editable on the puzzle! Just click it!)

FAQ'due south and Troubleshooting

  • Tin I make a PDF of the crossword and store this on my estimator?
    • Yes. Click the "Save As..." button in the options menu to be presented with saving options.
  • When I PRINT - the LEFT side gets cut off! Or it is obstructed past the left menu.
    • Are y'all clicking the "Print Puzzle" button on our bill of fare? You lot MUST click that push button to print.
  • I put in 26 words - only just 23 are put into the puzzle!
    • FIRST: Are you certain all your words aren't in the puzzle?? Simply because you put in 26 words and you see numbers 1-23 on the puzzle, DOESN'T hateful all your words aren't on the puzzle. Some words SHARE a number!

      If you really are missing words, do yous take duplicate words? Duplicate words are currently causing issues. The best matter to try is to "regenerate" the puzzle (Advanced Options > Puzzle Options > Regenerate). Do this a few times to come across if all words get included, as a completely new puzzle is created each time, Only the more duplicates you have, the harder it will be to get them all to evidence by regenerating the puzzle. In general a couple of duplicates and regenrating should get them all in, four or more than and information technology starts condign hard (nosotros are trying to find a solution). Promise this helps!

  • Can't print OR No puzzle shows upward - merely the clues.
    • This commonly occurs for ane of 2 reasons:
    • Try endmost ALL instances of your browser, then re-open and try once again. Reason: This crossword maker takes a decent amount of your browser retentivity. If you are already using also much, information technology volition not brand the puzzle. This unremarkably occurs with besides many tabs or you lot browser hasn't been restarted in a long time. You must close ALL instances of your browser for your calculator to reallocate that memory to a unmarried window. Do it - it'south worth information technology!
    • You have a very erstwhile browser. This crossword creating tool uses technologies merely available on the latest browsers. Endeavour Google Chrome browser - it works wonderfully! (particularly if you are on an old operating system like WindowsXP).
  • Tin I put this worksheet on my website? Can I put this worksheet in my book? etc.
    • Yes. *Any worksheet generated on may be placed on your website, or in a book (for gratis or for resale) provided you proceed our commendation on the puzzle (ie. "Created using TheTeachersCorner.internet Crossword Maker"). Please transport an email to [electronic mail protected] and allow us know the URL or name/blazon of publication where you are republishing our puzzle. This way we can add together it to our records, and won't hassle you lot if we happen to come beyond it.
  • How exercise I arrange font size? How do I change the font? Can I add my own images?
    • Yes. In one case you create the crossword, there are a bunch of options on the left. You can alter font, font size, font color, background color, add/remove proper name and instructions and add pictures. Exist sure to check out all of the option buttons on the left!
  • I don't meet a blue carte du jour to the LEFT of my puzzle, OR I can't meet a print push button, OR I can't go to the Fundamental, OR Nothing shows up.
    • If y'all are NOT a premium subscriber, AND you are using an ad blocker it frequently breaks our website with unpredictable issues. You need to whitelist our site, and some blockers would crave you to restart your browser or restart your figurer for the whitelist changes to take effect.

Yous must have an OLD browser. The onetime crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You tin can upgrade your browser to IE ix+ or meliorate yet, become the Google Chrome browser and bask all of those bang-up features.

Not convinced? You tin get to the old version by clicking choosing information technology below.


  • Keep this Costless Share on Facebook!

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  • **NEW** You lot have puzzle customization settings saved from a previous visit (font-size, color, etc). Yous tin can delete those settings by clicking here.

    DELETE my saved customizations. Notation: you can leave this box unchecked to view the puzzle w/customizations, and and then if you don't desire them render to this folio, tick the box to remove them and render to default settings.

two reasons crosswords will non generate:

1. You take an "Incommunicable Listing". OR
2. Exhausted Browser Memory

ane. An "incommunicable listing" is a give-and-take list that is literally Impossible to cantankerous all of the words! This happens with a pocket-sized amount of word lists. Give-and-take lists can exist "impossible" for several reasons. If y'all are using one of these "impossible" lists, nosotros volition not exist able to create a crossword from your words. Hither are a couple of very small examples, only these problems tin can multiply with more words.

Have the following example word list: "home, true cat, dog". Notice at that place is only one possible way to cross "habitation" and "dog" - on the "o", at present there is no room left for the "true cat"!

A slightly dissimilar impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 take messages that they share! Simply, at present you cross "home and domestic dog" (same as the last puzzle), and and though lizard shares a "d" with dog, it cannot be crossed because of the proximity to the "home" that is already crossed. This is ANOTHER instance of an impossible list.

When you add together a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). We will attempt to make your puzzle 2 times, and if we tin can't, then enquire y'all to increase the size of the grid and try again. If this doesn't piece of work, yous may have an impossible list or a nearly incommunicable list (where the words will only fit together in exactly 1 way - any difference will make it impossible. THE FIX: Remove problem words from your listing. That is it. If y'all are even so having bug - transport u.s.a. your word list (we don't need the clues, just the word list) and let us know what error y'all are getting.

2. If things aren't working in general - zip happens when you printing buttons, lists won't save, etc. Your browser retention is likely exhausted. THE FIX: Close ALL browsers completely, then re-open and try once more.

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